Postpartum meal in bed

Nurtured Mothers

When a baby is born,

so is a mother.

Traditionally, (across most of the world) birth and postpartum were rites of passage. Throughout pregnancy, birth, and beyond, women were celebrated and supported by their communities.

After a woman gives birth, it's a very special time. Oftentimes, a combination of hormonal changes, lack of support, inadequate foods, and exhaustion can leave a new mother lonely, overrun, and even depressed. In America, 30-50% of women experience a postpartum mood disorder. These numbers have continued to rise over the last couple decades.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

With the proper reverence, support, and nourishment, it is entirely possible to come out of this season of life feeling rejuvenated. Postpartum is a unique biological period. During this window, the potential to heal is much higher than at any other time in a woman’s life.

In traditional postpartum care, a doula is focused primarily on the mother. While helping with the baby is most certainly a part of my role, I consider myself a “mother-centered” doula. I mother the mother, allowing her to devote her time and energy to her baby. A nurtured mother is the perfect caregiver for her own family.